4 Keys to Weight Training for Fat Loss - insidefitnessmag.com

4 Keys to Weight Training for Fat Loss

So you're trying to loose weight -- have you thought about weight training? Here we break down why weight training might be the route that you need to go and how you should go about doing it. Don't forget to supplement from companies such as PVL to ensure you get the results that you're looking for.
Explosive Power Can Be Yours! - insidefitnessmag.com

Explosive Power Can Be Yours!

Train with explosive power and DOMINATE your workouts with Polymetrics and PVL supplements! This introduction to polymetrics will give you everything you need to know to get explosive power from your workouts -- and PVL's Domin8 Pre-Workout will give you the boost to get the most from it.
Don't Neglect Your Traps! - insidefitnessmag.com

Don't Neglect Your Traps!

Sponsored by PVL: Discover the missing piece in your fitness regiment to really excel at your goals and push you to the next level. Use these three exercises as well as PVL's Domin8 preworkout to DOMINIATE your own physique.

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