The Real Supersets are Easier Than You Think! -

The Real Supersets are Easier Than You Think!

Have you been doing Supersets wrong? If the answer is yes, don’t worry you’re not the only person who has. Tim Rigby describes the difference between Supersets and Compound exercises. Along with Pure Vita Labs (PVL), he also outlines the best way to emphasize your movements and maximize your gains.
The Ultimate Testosterone Boosting Workout -

The Ultimate Testosterone Boosting Workout

The fact of life is that as we age our body tends to hit a "decline". For men this means a natural lowering in testosterone. However, if you want to combat this, Funk Roberts has the perfect workout to get your testosterone levels soaring.
Improve Your Body Composition with Muscular Endurance Workout -

Improve Your Body Composition with Muscular Endurance Workout

What is the best way to improve your body composition? You might be surprised to hear that cardio is not that list. Have you tried a Muscular Endurance Workout? If you said no, well we're going to ask you why not? Funk Roberts has broken down why a Muscular Endurance Workout is for you, and then given you a workout with video, that'll get you those gains you're looking for!
5 Crucial Rules to Getting Ripped Abs -

5 Crucial Rules to Getting Ripped Abs

Stop listening to the "Every Man" at they gym and instead listen to Funk Roberts as he tells you the five crucial rules that you need to really see the results you are looking for in your goals for killer abs.
Who Provides Your Motivation? -

Who Provides Your Motivation?

There are likely studies to back it up and people definitely feel it -- you're more motivated to complete something or go to it in the first place if someone's waiting for you there. It's what fitness groups have been based off of for years. So, can AI do the same thing?
Your Hourglass Physique in 4 Simple Steps -

Your Hourglass Physique in 4 Simple Steps

We all want that hourglass figure, because we all want to put our best self forward -- the good news is that there are four simple steps that you can take to get that result. Let Sara Frenza tell you what they are, and why even though they're simply, no one said easy! You gotta put in the work to see the results you want.

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