Kettlebells: Why You Need Them! -

Kettlebells: Why You Need Them!

Gain more strength and power with Kettlebells! Check out this one of a kind Kettlebell Workout from Funk Roberts to really get the most of our your workouts and get those gains! Exclusively for Fitclub Members! Video included!
Your Guide to Pain-Free Shoulder Exercises -

Your Guide to Pain-Free Shoulder Exercises

Your Guide to Pain-Free Shoulder Exercises
Harnessing Our Potential -

Harnessing Our Potential

Harnessing Our Potential
Standing Vs. Sitting For Shoulders -

Standing Vs. Sitting For Shoulders

Standing Vs. Sitting For Shoulders
When's The Best Time To Exercise? -

When's The Best Time To Exercise?

When's The Best Time To Exercise?
Metabolic Max Out Workout -

Metabolic Max Out Workout

Metabolic Max Out Workout

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