Transform Your Chest in Record Time with Lactic Acid Training -

Transform Your Chest in Record Time with Lactic Acid Training

What is lactic acid? Is it something good? Should I be encouraging it in my training? How do I train to encourage lactic acid? If these are all questions that you have asked yourself, then this is the article for you. Funk Roberts will not only break down what lactic acid is and why it'll help you, but will provide you with the ideal workout to encourage it. Lets go!
Kettlebells: Why You Need Them! -

Kettlebells: Why You Need Them!

Gain more strength and power with Kettlebells! Check out this one of a kind Kettlebell Workout from Funk Roberts to really get the most of our your workouts and get those gains! Exclusively for Fitclub Members! Video included!
Ab Circuit Workout -

Ab Circuit Workout

Ab Circuit Workout

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