Why you shouldn’t blame your lack of WILLPOWER - insidefitnessmag.com
Written by Carm Bozzo (@upandlifting)

How many times have you said, “I have no willpower when it comes to (insert food of choice)” You think it is your lack of willpower when it comes to sweets…or chips…or wine… Or you think it is all about your willpower when it comes to the weekends and the routine of the work week goes out the window. However, is it your willpower or something else??

It has been an emotional couple of months for me. My oldest is off to university and I am NOT ok! Mamas of older kids – can you relate? I have been emotional for a while now… years have flown by and now in the last few months he walked across the graduation stage to end his high school years and has officially moved into his dorm, in another city – the hardest change in both of our lives.

And with all these high and low emotions, and sleep deprivation guess what came?? CRAVINGS! What would most people say went out the window?? Willpower. Yet it isn’t really about willpower.

Do you find that when you are running on adrenaline and also sleep deprived that your desire for comfort foods increases? There is science behind this! Ghrelin, which is the hunger hormone, increases, while leptin, which signals fullness, decreases which will then prompt a desire for quick energy fixes!  And of course, being tired and fatigued lowers energy levels, leading to those cravings for those high calorie foods, usually less nutritious foods.

So, what can we do when we are stressed and/or sleep deprived and all we want to do is eat chocolate or chips or dive into a pizza? These are some simple hacks that may stop you from diving into those cravings and putting all that blame on willpower! (But remember there is nothing wrong with following your food cravings every now and then)

1: Eat regular meals and snacks, but make sure they are balanced and healthy, and of course, make sure that you are getting in your protein first. Something I am going to do next time I feel this coming on is grab something high in protein even if it takes me over my calories for the day, because it will be better than going over calories with cookies and excess sugar! I will grab a piece of chicken or throw a scoop of protein in water and shake! Then I will wait 20 min and see how I feel.

2: Keep your pantry and fridge full of great high-volume snacks and foods – rice cakes, protein powder, fresh veggies and fruits – especially berries and watermelon and lean protein sources. With your house stacked with good choices, you will HAVE good choices to grab.

3: Don’t deprive yourself of some special comfort foods and treats all the time…set intentional free days without guilt to lessen cravings. Deprivation can actually steer us towards labelling foods as good and bad, which then can also cause us to binge.

4: Use other distractions when you are wanting to eat to get through emotions and/or exhaustion - go for a walk, have a bath, read, workout or call a friend.

Try any or all of these tips the next time you find yourself emotional and stressed like I have been – and remember, most of the time it is not your lack of willpower but how you can better work with your body and with what is going on in your life to balance those hormones.

Does stress cause cravingsEating healthyHealthy alternatives to cravingsHealthy cravingsHow to avoid cravingsScience behind cravingsWhy do i get cravings

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