Discover the Truth Behind Body Building Misconceptions! -

Discover the Truth Behind Body Building Misconceptions!

Bodybuilding is one of the disciplines that we are all aware of, and yet the average person likely does not understand much about what goes into it. Jesse Bettio is here to clear up any misconceptions about body building, inform anyone who is uncertain about it what it really is about, and of course, celebrate the journey that so many take to get to their body building goals
Do Trainers Have Trainers? -

Do Trainers Have Trainers?

Have you set health and fitness goals for yourself but are unsure on how to achieve them? Do you find your motivation falling away because of lack of results, or due to confusion about where to focus your energy? If this sounds familiar, personal training may be right for you! Coach Julie Germaine explains why an experienced coach can outline the steps to take to realize your goals quickly and efficiently. Personal training can get you where you want to be sooner.

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