Create Your Own Fitness Creed To Keep you Fighting Fit -

Create Your Own Fitness Creed To Keep you Fighting Fit

Discover how to reset your mindest and develop your own personal creed with Fitness Coach Sandra Sorgini! You will learn how to dig deep and really focus in on what you want -- enabling you to get the most out of your life.
How to Handle Clients with Aggressive Goals -

How to Handle Clients with Aggressive Goals

Being a trainer comes with a lot of difficult ground that needs to be covered. There is a constant balance between what your client thinks they want, and what they really need. With the help of Nina Wilder, we have given you a guide on how to strike a balance between healthy and goal, particularly with those clients who really want to "go all out" and "see results fast".
Conquer Your Mind; Don't Lose Sight of Your Goals -

Conquer Your Mind; Don't Lose Sight of Your Goals

Your mind is one of the most powerful muscles in your body -- Let Blake Gauthier show you why you should be working it out just as much as the rest of your muscles. Read on to discover why you might just be wasting your time trying to achieve all those fitness goals, if you don't give your mind the attention that it needs first.
Why Are You Falling off the "Bandwagon"? -

Why Are You Falling off the "Bandwagon"?

How many times have you started working on a goal - be it eat healthier, workout more or just stop going to that McDonalds on the corner when you have a bad day - and then found yourself falling off from that goal one, two, three months later? We're going to break down how you're setting yourself up for failure, and even better, how to fix it!
How a Fitness Photoshoot Transformed my Body! -

How a Fitness Photoshoot Transformed my Body!

How changing ones mindset can really affect the overall change to not just one's body but ones life. You have the power to transform yourself; you just need to understand the real reason, and motivations, for doing so.
Get Your Health Back Post Lockdowns -

Get Your Health Back Post Lockdowns

Have you been struggling to get back to your routine following the last two years of yo-yoing lockdowns? Here is our expert guide on how to focus on your health, remove newly gained poor habits, and get back on track with your goals

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