Why Canadian Summers are King! - insidefitnessmag.com

Why Canadian Summers are King!

Summer is back baby (or well, almost) and that means that it's time to start enjoying that sunny weather again. It doesn't matter what the activity is, whether it seems like exercise or not, if you're outside, enjoying the weather and moving your body, then you are heading for a step in the right direction!
3 Mistakes to Summer Leanness - insidefitnessmag.com

3 Mistakes to Summer Leanness

Are you struggling to achieve your summer looks goal? Have you been hitting the gym, watching your calories and yet not seeing the results that you thought you were promised? Here's a quick guide to a couple of common mistakes that people make when approaching their workout.
Make Sure You're Safe This Summer! - insidefitnessmag.com

Make Sure You're Safe This Summer!

Summer time is rife with possibilities. The outdoors gives you so many more options for your workouts, but it also increases the hazards to your health. Find out how to exercise outdoors safely with these great tips.
Why You Should be Training Outside - insidefitnessmag.com

Why You Should be Training Outside

Incorporating exercise into your life is not always easy, nor is making it a part of your daily routine. However, exercising yields some great benefits. For people with diabetes, the biggest benefit is that it increases insulin sensitivity. Incorporating exercise into your life also improves health, as it helps to decrease the risk of heart attack and lowers blood pressure.
Six Steps to Warm Weather Fitness Program - insidefitnessmag.com

Six Steps to Warm Weather Fitness Program

Physical activity and a healthy nutrition plan can be linked to not only a stronger immune system, but also to a healthier mindset.  The pandemic has wreaked havoc on individuals and families, not only financially and physically, but also emotionally and mentally.  Stress levels are at an all time high!
Summer Fitness Tips and Tools - insidefitnessmag.com

Summer Fitness Tips and Tools

Summer Fitness Tips and Tools

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