25 Minutes of Weightlifting is All You Need - insidefitnessmag.com

25 Minutes of Weightlifting is All You Need

Don't waste your time on extended workouts that aren't getting you the results that you need. Maximize your results with quicker workouts (and shorter rest periods) to activate the muscle growth that you've been looking for.
Get the Hourglass Figure You've Been Dreaming Of! - insidefitnessmag.com

Get the Hourglass Figure You've Been Dreaming Of!

The hourglass figure has been a dream for many for as long as we've known how to envy; here's a killer workout from Sara Frenza that's sure to show you how to get that figure without hours and hours of work.
5 In-Home Glute Exercises You’re NOT DOING! - insidefitnessmag.com

5 In-Home Glute Exercises You’re NOT DOING!

Calling all glute lovers! Most of us know the basic booty exercises like traditional squats, bridges & standing kickbacks. While all those movements serve a great purpose in your booty building routine, we wanted to show you some exercises you may have never seen before!
Can You Build Muscle While Losing Fat? - insidefitnessmag.com

Can You Build Muscle While Losing Fat?

According to a 2018 review in the Oxford Academic Advances in Nutrition Journal (OAANJ), the answer is yes, you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time, if you do it right. The review looked at numerous studies that analyzed the effects of being in a negative energy balance, and how it affects body composition and muscle growth. 

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