Magical Mountain Adventures

Have you ever wished that you could swim in a crystal blue lake, on top of a mountain, hidden away from the world in your own magical paradise? While good News - you can!
Located 3822ft up on the Tantalus Mountain Range (located in the aptly named Tantalus Provincial Park) Lovely Water Lake isn’t your typical day trip – in fact, it’s unlikely that you can make it in a day at all. With no road access – a boat is necessary to cross the Squamish River – and a challenging hike up the side of the mountain, you will likely wish to make camp once you’ve finally reached the top – however, the views from this scenic glacial lake are well worth the trip.
It might not be a tropical retreat - atop of a mountain can be nippy at the best time of the year - and it's certainly not for the faint of heart to get up there, but the rewards if you can get to the top are more than worth it.
Tags: Attraction, Bc, Beach swim, Beaches, Beginner hike, Big gains, British columbia, Canada facts, Canada feature, Canada must see, Canada to do, Canadian, Canadian attraction, Canadian beaches, Canadian hike, Canadian must see, Canadian to do, Canadian vacation, Category_lifestyle, Category_news, Difficult hike, Easy hike, Exercise, Expert hike, Feature spot, Fitness, Fitness blog, Fitness news, Fitness tips, Gain goals canada, Gains, Great beach, Great hike, Great hiking trail, Great swimming, Health, Health blog, Health tips, Hike, Hiking trail, Ifm, Ifm blog, Ifm digital network, Ifm media, Ifmmedia, Inside fitness, Inside fitness blog, Inside fitness magazine, Inside fitness network, Lake of lovely waters, Location feature, Motivation, Motivation blog, Mountain hike, Must see, Nature hike, Ocean hike, Scenic hike, Strength blog, Strength tips, Summer, Summer beach, Summer retreat, Swimming, Tantalus mountains, Tips, To do, Top beaches, Travel tips, Vacation, Where to go, Where to go in canada, Workout blog, Workout tips