Unwrap Your Best Self With these Festive Tips - insidefitnessmag.com

Unwrap Your Best Self With these Festive Tips

The holidays can be stressful and overwhelming for many, just as much as they can be jolly and bright. The question of how you can stay on top of your  health, while still enjoying the festivities is often high on everyone's minds. Coach Laura Soulios of Body Tuned By has some festive tips for unwrapping your best self this holiday season.
Only 10% Succeed? - insidefitnessmag.com

Only 10% Succeed?

What, exactly, is the success rate of dieting, and dieting alone? You'll be surprised to realize that it's pretty low. If you feel like you fall into this category, don't fret. Just read on and find out how to reverse your "misfortune" and get back on track!

Fasting 101 - insidefitnessmag.com

Fasting 101

Fasting 101