The Key to Lasting Change -
Written by Julie Hinton Green (Reiki Master, Timeline Therapy & NLP)

As a Reiki Master, I work with clients who are deeply committed to transforming their mindset and reshaping the way their thoughts influence their lives. While helping others shift their internal dialogue, I’ve noticed that in the broader world, people from all walks of life—regardless of career paths or social status—tend to focus more on changing their physical bodies than on the habits and patterns in their minds. It’s understandable. 

We live in a world where physical health is celebrated, and a strong, fit body is often equated with success. However, as much as I support and encourage a healthy, resilient body, I believe the most profound and lasting changes begin in the mind. Without healthy mental habits to guide us, physical change becomes much harder to maintain.  

The Power of Mindset

Most experts agree that two key ingredients to change are desire and willingness. If you have the desire to improve your life and the willingness to put in the effort, you’re already halfway there. The renowned motivational speaker Tony Robbins once said, “In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”
Yet, many people spend their lives in the comfort zone—where things feel safe and familiar. While some are content there, more and more people today want more from life. They want to build stronger bodies, more fulfilling relationships, and learn new skills. They seek transformation, but real change doesn’t happen in the comfort zone. 

The Path to Transformation

Through my own journey and the experiences I’ve witnessed in my clients, I’ve seen that change often follows a four-step process:
  1. Comfort Zone: This is where most of us start. We feel secure here, but there’s little room for growth.
  2. Desire for More: At this stage, we begin to crave something different—a desire to improve our health, success, or relationships. We want to be more, do more, and receive more in life.
  3. Trial and Error: Before we can achieve a breakthrough, we go through a phase of experimentation. This stage can take several attempts. It could be trying new habits, learning a skill, or adopting a new mindset. For some, this trial and error process takes four to six tries; for others, it may only take a couple. The key is to stay connected to the process and not give up.
  4. Breakthrough: Once we push through the trial and error phase, we reach our breakthrough. However, this is just the beginning. You need to work on solidifying this new habit or mindset for 60 to 90 days before it becomes a dominant part of your life. After that, you’ll find yourself operating at a new level. 

Mindset Before Muscles

What does this all mean in the context of fitness? It means that while sculpting your body is important, transforming your mind and habits is essential for lasting change. If you can change your mindset—build resilience, adopt a growth mentality, and embrace failure as part of the process—you’ll find that your physical goals are easier to achieve and maintain.
We are fortunate to live in a time where motivational speakers and mindset experts are readily available. Whether through social media, courses, or seminars, there’s no shortage of inspiration to help you rewire your thinking. As a Reiki Master, my role is to bring light, healing, growth, and focus to others, but I’m also constantly inspired by the wisdom around me.
I’ll leave you with this question: What are you striving for? Is it simply to have a better physique, or do you also want to transform the habits and patterns that are holding you back from a deeper, more meaningful change? When you start working on your mind, everything else will follow.....
Goal achievementHow to change your lifeHow to stay on trackMindset is importantPower of the mind

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