Elevate your Tennis Game - insidefitnessmag.com

Elevate your Tennis Game

Looking to be a Tennis expert? Want some tips on how to elevate your game? We've broken down the science behind this great sport, ensuring that you'll have what you need to bring your tennis serve and rallies to the next level. Wimbleton here we come?
The Ultimate Travel Band Workout - insidefitnessmag.com

The Ultimate Travel Band Workout

Do you hate that you have to give up your workouts when you're travelling? Life on the go feels like it makes it impossible to keep your fitness fires burning, however, with these tips, you will keep your workouts going no matter where you are or what you're expected to do!
Provincial Record Set by Surrey Woman Powerlifter - insidefitnessmag.com

Provincial Record Set by Surrey Woman Powerlifter

Resident of Surrey BC, Laticia Castillo takes first place at the BC Provincial Powerlifting Championships, and sets a new record in the Bench Press.
3 Mistakes to Summer Leanness - insidefitnessmag.com

3 Mistakes to Summer Leanness

Are you struggling to achieve your summer looks goal? Have you been hitting the gym, watching your calories and yet not seeing the results that you thought you were promised? Here's a quick guide to a couple of common mistakes that people make when approaching their workout.
Make Sure You're Safe This Summer! - insidefitnessmag.com

Make Sure You're Safe This Summer!

Summer time is rife with possibilities. The outdoors gives you so many more options for your workouts, but it also increases the hazards to your health. Find out how to exercise outdoors safely with these great tips.
The Treadmill Factory Brings Trending CLMBR Fitness Equipment to Canada for the First Time - insidefitnessmag.com

The Treadmill Factory Brings Trending CLMBR Fitness Equipment to Canada for the First Time

The Treadmill Factory, one of Canada’s leading fitness equipment retailers with locations across the country, is pleased to announce its exclusive ...